
the image on top is "Welcome Home Sweet Sugar" by Kelsey Brooks

Thursday, January 27, 2011

Tom Hogan

A solid short post about a solid short class:

Tom Hogan has found the way to be knowledgable and confident without the slightest trace of ego, a sense of complete acceptance, respect and humility. I'd love to ask him, what's your secret? How do you impart such an accepting awareness with precise alignment?

I was also impressed by an energy shift he picked up on in class. "it seems like I'm picking up a vibe- you guys want to do core work". It's easy to imagine someone saying this sarcastically, I know, but this wasn't the case- Tom was not being sarcastic. There was indeed this restlessness pervading the front row- at the time, I felt the intense urge to go running. After some corework and pidgeon, I relaxed a little.

What I loved about Tom's class was that there was no throwaway pose, everything we did was imbued with such meaning. I never felt we did a single down dog as, oh you know, as an expected part of class. There were so many sun salutations, and some how each one felt completely unexpected. Energy liberated from the snow.

Down Under Yoga: Lunch Flow: Tom Hogan. Immediate post-class thoughts.