
the image on top is "Welcome Home Sweet Sugar" by Kelsey Brooks

Sunday, January 23, 2011

Double Luck

I wonder how many posts I could write about Chanel before the temptation to title them with her last name as a pun over whelms me. Lucky again? Double Luck?

Waves come in three, so of course I get hit again with a strong and gorgeous dose of flow yoga, which I am convinced is the perfect cure. I'm a bit sad that I waited to write this post instead of blogging immediately, because although the impression the class made on me was profound, it is difficult to pinpoint the precise points. I think what's more telling is the way that I've been incorporating the hip and shoulder joint mandala into my daily morning practice, and how I've found freedom in mandalas. I also want to use the child's pose shoulder manadala in my opening sequences- I'll ask about that Saturday. I like asking permission and crediting inspiration, yes,I know no one "invented yoga", but it's nice, you know.

Again, my love of Chanel's seamless sequence, that tricky lunge where the top of the floor remains on the floor while you lift the knee. I take every opportunity to become more fluid in a pose, to get a little bit uncertain. This time I got the savasanah I wanted. And so much more : )

Taking class Saturday morning again. I'll write down the details right away next time.