
the image on top is "Welcome Home Sweet Sugar" by Kelsey Brooks

Thursday, October 28, 2010

Themes for Class

1. Holding space for the self. I know there have been times, especially if I have a good relationship with the instructor, that I'll set the scene for yoga. I find myself calming down, serious, focused, aware of the creation of sacred space and ready to learn. And I want to practice creating that sense on the street. Notice how your body feels, chest lifts, feet are receptive, hips are free.

2. Creating LOVING sacred space, love without conditions.

3. The clasp knife reflex.....

4. Crunching the fists to lower into a forward bend.
5. For a more comfortable seat, to open the adductors, press on the inner groim.

Wednesday, October 27, 2010


I need to remember to write, that this keeps me sane and my thoughts organized.

I took Raghunath's class today- it was a spur of the minute decision.

I was going to spend the day sitting, dammit, at the lovely little bird. I was supposed to meet Alex Schatzburg for class at 12:15, but I canceled, thinking I would hardcore hanker down and apply and such all day long.

Instead, I learned how to transition from scorpion to chaturanga in Raghunath's class.

At 11:46, I was on Avenue B.....by 12:15 I magically was transported to Yoga Maya. Despite the fact I'm broke...I just had to. And now I have amazing yoga classes for a week, too.

That was an impressive amount of links for a few sentences.

Monday, October 18, 2010

Sun Salutation!!

Good morning.

I am starting my own venture! It's just a project for now, but maybe one day it will turn into a business.

I finally put it all together.

After having an incredible dinner at Cellar 58 with the gorgeously professional Emily Madge and Kate Perkins and Ben Horowitz (of Perkins Film, LLC), I was inspired to merge social media, solar energy and yoga.

The result: Sun Salutation, LLC, a marketing for the solar industry. Sun Salutation will focus on how to merge sustainable living into lifestyle choices. It will encourage particularly well-being oriented business to become more sustainable and generate interest in balanced living.

Good morning.

Sunday, October 17, 2010

Holding Space

I just discovered Finding Sukha yoga school, located at 638 E 6th st between B and C. Finding Sukha is a calm spiritual sanctuary full of calm, dedicated (and extremely friendly!) practitioners.

Finding Sukha is also a strongly community based school, located right above The Organic Soul Cafe. The Organic Soul Cafe is located in The Sixth Street Center Community Center, and is run by Community Supported Agriculture, a program to unite New Yorkers with local farmers : )

I'll be going there on Tuesday, October 19th (that's tomorrow!) if anyone wants to join me.